Nordiska museet (Museo Nórdico)

Warer Svenske - Gustav I of Sweden
I've recently visited the Nordiska Museet, or Nordic museum in english. It's located in an island in central Stockholm called Djurgården.

It's basicly dedicated to the cultural history of this country. Inside it you can find lots of objects, furniture, clothes, photos and personal belongings of swedish people from the Early Modern age to the contemporary period. It's beautiful building was built in 1907.

Once you're in they give you an audioguide that explains the history of almost any object you can find. It is devided in many different sections: furniture, clothing, table settings, traditions, jewellery, the swedish folk art and a area where you could find information and typical objects of the ''Samis'', indigenous peoples that used to live in the north of Sweden whose main activities were hunting and fishing.

The first thing you can see when you get inside is a gigantic sculpture of King Gustav Vasa with an inscription below his feet that says ''Warer Svenske'' that translateded to english means BE SWEDISH!

Some jewellery with emmeralds
that beloged to an important familly

Table settings

Some examples of the clothes that people used to wear 

Some other examples of the clothig in the 20th century

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