Archaeological site in Täby (Yacimientos arqueológicos en Täby)

In the archaeological site found in Broby bro, Täby, you can find some things quite unusual and interesting. We can find Estrid Sigfastsdotter's skelleton. Estrid was a matriarch in the viking age. They could identify her age thanks to the Jarlabanke runestones,and these stones date from 1020 to 1080.
Estrid's skelleton is one of the three oldest ones found in Täby in 1995. It was found by an arqueaologist that was in charge of the construccion of a road where the skelleton was located, and also where the mound of his husband and one of her sons.
Arqueaologisnts got to the conclusion that it might be the Jarlabanke's family cemetery thanks to all the inscriptions in  runestones.

Some of the inscriotions are quite interesting, let's take for example:

U 150:
Latin transliteration:
× þurbiarn × uk × ikiþura × litu × raisa × ist[ai]n × þina × iftiR × ikul × faþur sin × uk × irinui × iftiR × buanta sin × uk afti(R) ---

English translation:
Þorbjôrn and Ingiþóra had this stone raised in memory of Ígull, their father; and Erinvé in memory of her husbandman and in memory of ...

Some of the runestones at a roadside

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